
Jaltest Software 17.2


Jaltest Software 17.2

Jaltest continues to evolve in every new version by improving the graphic interface and extending diagnosis contents on the systems, making the app easier to use. In addition, new brands and models are added with new developments gaining support in new markets, establishing as the leader diagnosis tool in the multibrand area.

The improvement of the tool in agricultural vehicles and other special purpose vehicles such as OHW and Construction Equipment, Street Sweepers and Stationary Engines should be highlighted.

This new software instalment includes 21309 new codes, 3901 new systems, 1734 new functionalities, 423 additional models, 24 new brands, as well as 2805 additional wiring diagrams. Jaltest INFO, a true Truck-Fix Encyclopaedia, continues to offer new possibilities to offer new possibilities for the user of the Jaltest tool, including a now more than 1243 new troubleshooting guides by code and 10427 new additional guides by symptons.

For further information about Jaltest coverage and news, please visit Jaltest Report or contact the professional staff through the tool distribution network.

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ستحضر كوجالي معرض أوتوميكانيكا اسطنبول لتقديم حلولها التكنولوجية ومنتجاتها المتطورة لقطاع السيارات

ستحضر كوجالي معرض أوتوميكانيكا اسطنبول لتقديم حلولها التكنولوجية ومنتجاتها المتطورة لقطاع السيارات


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