
JALTEST CASE STUDY: Calibration of the Volvo I-Shift gearbox not installed in the vehicle


In this new #JaltestCaseStudy, we show you how to carry out the diagnostics, calibration, and repair with Jaltest of an I-Shift gearbox outside the vehicle, after having replaced its internal components. This calibration allows the control unit to set and record the values of the splitter and range shift cylinders which are responsible for gearing the different speeds of the gearbox.

The main advantage of performing this operation before installing the gearbox on the vehicle is the time saved if a fault is detected during the calibration process.

Besides, there are specialized customers in the repair of this type of system, who are supplied with gearboxes without the need to have the vehicle in the workshop itself.

Once again, Jaltest provides the workshop with the necessary tools to carry out the diagnostics process as quickly and efficiently as possible.

المزيد من الأخبار

ستحضر كوجالي معرض أوتوميكانيكا اسطنبول لتقديم حلولها التكنولوجية ومنتجاتها المتطورة لقطاع السيارات

ستحضر كوجالي معرض أوتوميكانيكا اسطنبول لتقديم حلولها التكنولوجية ومنتجاتها المتطورة لقطاع السيارات


سيكون كوجالي حاضرًا في معرض أوتوميكانيكا إسطنبول، ...

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