Logistics support and platform support, multi-brand and multi-system diagnosis, vehicle monitoring, remote maintenance, fleet management, platform sensoring, components and Data Science applied to Defence.
In Cojali we provide Defence with our high added-value solutions and capabilities for the development of theFuture Logistics Support, based on the knowledge of the situation and anticipation of demand. All that, thanks to the application of disruptive technologies as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning that allow progress toward an Army able to increase its capabilities with less staff and smaller logistics footprint, under an approach of Army 4.0 and Maintenance 4.0.
The capabilities, products and solutions that we offer Defence allows us to lay the foundations of the Future Logistics Support through:
Identification of potential failures and establishment of maintenance windows based on the information collected by the platform and its operation history.
Maximum reduction of logistics footprint and optimisation of operational capabilities.
Advanced monitoring solutions of platforms and systems. Development of customized sensors.
Obtaining all benefits that an integral fleet management system offers, with capabilities of remote diagnostics.
Multi-brand and multi-system diagnostics solution that allows the user to carry out the most advanced tasks of diagnostics and platform maintenance.
The experience as manufacturers of components for commercial vehicles allows us to approach new development concepts as the additive manufacturing and the execution of cutting-edge maintenance tasks (Battle Damage Repair).
Cojali builds on all the gained experience in more than 20 years of leadership in multi-brand Diagnostics of commercial vehicle and all the information gathered in diagnostics sessions, on-board telematics and technical assistance, to obtain the maximum performance of the data obtained from the vehicle and remote diagnostics.
Thanks to the application of data mining techniques, advanced analytics and Artificial Intelligence models about this information, it is possible to identify patterns, tendencies and to extrapolate behaviours that enables us to offer a differential added value to our customers, allowing us to advance towards effective predictive maintenance, intelligent logistics and a continuous improvement of products.
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Jaltest Telematics, is a multi-brand and multi-system telematics solution unique on the market that allows the user to know the vehicle state at all times, program maintenance services and even carry out remote maintenance operations, such as remote inspection of platforms, fault code clearance or particulate filter regeneration.
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Nowadays, we are already successfully commercialising our engineering products and solutions in the civil sphere through our distinctive divisions of business and brands, some of them with more than 25 years' experience and leaders in their sectors:
Jaltest Diagnostics is the multi-brand and multi-system diagnostics tool leader in the market for commercial vehicle, agricultural machinery, OHW equipment and public work machinery, stationary engines, especial vehicles and vessels. It allows the user to carry out the most advanced tasks of diagnostics and vehicle maintenance, in a simple and intuitive way.
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Cojali is our benchmark brand of components for commercial vehicle for both the After Market sector and OEM. Nowadays, we offer a catalogue with more than 15,000 references.
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